My Blogging Guilt

I have been a really bad blogger. Oops.

I’m not going to make excuses because y’all know how important university is so as much as I don’t enjoy studying, it will still be on top of my priority list and I’m sad to say that blogging…

is not even on my top 5. I feel so bad because I used to love blogging (I still do but life gets in the way), it was my sanctuary, my baby, my child that I’m proud of but who am I kidding? If I were to choose between my study, blogging, and socialising, I’d choose study and socialising all the way, hands down. Shout out to bloggers out there who are juggling those 3 and still have enough hours to sleep, you da real MVP, that, I can tell ya.

Now what is a blogging guilt? It’s the sh*ts that I said I would do but didn’t because 1. I procrastinate, and 2. ain’t nobody got time for that. The guilt is so real that whenever I go to my blog I’d say to myself, “such a waste of expensive theme and hosting, I don’t even have time to keep you updated week to week..” I miss my blog so much and if you’re an avid reader and you miss it too, I really feel you. 🙁

Not sticking with my blogging schedule

In early January I mentioned that I have planned my posts all the way until mid-March which unfortunately I didn’t follow through. The same goes to this blog schedule that I dedicated an entire page for. Lifestyle/blogging/beauty posts on weekdays… what?

Not posting posts that I have already taken photos of

This might come as a surprise to you but I have loads of drafts with photos already taken and edited such as makeup product reviews and brow routine that I just don’t feel like publishing. Months later and I don’t feel satisfied with the photos anymore so I thought “meh I’m just not gonna post it.” I might reshoot those photos but I need more hours in a day to be able to do that.

Not replying to comments as soon as I received them

I am guilty of only now replying to comments from a month ago just because I don’t have the time. Squeezing blog post writing in my day is already so hard, let alone replying to comments. I usually set a time during weekends for comment replies but the past few weeks have been so hectic for me. Fret not – I will reply to comments but it’s going to take me some time to do.

Do you have any blogging guilt?

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