What Went Well in October

I think the month of October is the month of my personal growth because baby, I’m blooming! And maturing in one way or another. Ahaha. I’m so so proud of myself this month and of what I am able to achieve. It’s definitely the best month of 2018 so far, even better than my birth month and we all know how much I love March!


I have a job!

Okay, not really a permanent job but more of a part-time job with flexible timing. I’m working Sunday thru Friday with Saturday off and although I am tired from working 6 days a week, it felt worth it! I’m working as a cashier at a restaurant where my friends and I usually hang out so since I spent a lot of time there already, why not I work there! I’m usually working 5 to 7 hours per day depending on customers.

I learned how to save money and I am saving some!

Needless to say that my income from part-time job this month has been safely chucked into a bank account that I rarely use, which means that I will never ever use it or spend it or do anything with it whatsoever. I am very proud that I didn’t touch a single cent of my income and that my monthly commitment is halfway paid before the due date. Not spending any money on frivolous things for 3 weeks was super hard for me but I did it, guys. Now whom do I trust my debit card with…

I worked under pressure for the billionth time.

I had to get to work at 12 pm so when I accidentally woke up at 9 am from a notification on my phone, I found out that I (my assignment group) had to pass up an assignment (that I obviously hadn’t done shits) at 3 pm, and that I also had a test at 3 pm of the same subject.. holy crap. Can you imagine having to finish an assignment in less than 3 hours and getting to work and a test to do at 3 pm and a class to go, and another shift of part-time, while doing another assignment due next day? Thank god my boyfriend helped me with my other assignment and emailed it to my group!

Renewed my WordPress hosting until November 2018.

I would like to thank my boyfriend for sponsoring my WordPress hosting yearly fee. My hosting is due next month so he kindly paid for my hosting as a reward for my hard work in saving money. If you knew me in real life you’d know how hard it is for me to save so to him, it’s a huge milestone in my life that needed a reward. Bless him!

Incoming sponsored posts

I’ve received quite a few collaboration offers in October that I’m so excited about! Getting offers that are truly worth it doesn’t come by easily so if you’re getting a few in a span of a week, then you’re having a great week as a blogger! However, since I’m really busy every day, I don’t have much time for tv shows and blogging. I thought juggling blogging, studying, and social life is hard but add a part-time job into the equation and you’re basically a human zombie, y’know, not quite a zombie but still human?


What are you looking forward to in November?

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