Hello friends. As you all may know, ever since I resumed my studies February last year I haven’t been the best in keeping up with my blog. I was consumed with my life and studies that I sort of fell off the wagon and never put up regular updates anymore. Initially, I wanted to focus on my blog after I was done with final exam of final semester last May but I got a job and I’m always so tired after work to even be able to write a post, let alone making time for blog photography.
But if you read this post, I talked about leaving Shah Alam for good and this will be the last month that I’m living here. I know that not everyone enjoyed their time away from their family but I really like living independently. I like having a job and contrary to popular belief, I love having housemates.
Anyway, since I’m coming home I thought about focusing on my blog and be the blogger I once was. So to celebrate my getting back into blogging, I decided to give my blog a little makeover. I’ve been wanting to change my blog look for a long time but I never really got to it because I thought that it wouldn’t be worth it since I’m not going to have that much time to work on it but I took the sudden shift in my life (read: moving) as a sign that I should start blogging again. I miss writing and I miss sitting in front of the computer and discover new blogs.
My new blog theme is Etoile by Pipdig, as always. I wanted to purchase Maryline at first but I thought that Etoile is more structured which is what I prefer. Not that Maryline is not beautiful — it’s gorgeous! — but Etoile is more me. My old theme was Opulence if you’re curious and I took a screenshot of it. You can see it here. I hope that you like my new blog look because I’m loving it so much! I probably will be having bread for the rest of the month since it’s super expensive in ringgit Malaysia but hey, at least my blog is looking nice. I am not 100% done with my blog, there’s a few tweaking here and there that I want to do and I need to update my About page STAT!
See you on my next post, you pretty little thang. Don’t forget to follow me on Bloglovin’.