I usually always start a blog post with “Hi! Do you still remember me?!” after a long hiatus because it’s the only proper thing to say when you’re guilty as charged for abandoning your blog for weeks (like I have been doing more than I care to admit. whoops!)
Hi. Hello there. I’m Erin. It’s nice to meet you again. I’ve been gone for a long time. I have no excuse for that. I pre-wrote a few posts last months but they haven’t seen the light of day yet because I couldn’t be bothered about the visual aspect of things. I’m such a lazy arse. I HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!!
I started a new job
…last month. Having a day job will always be the number one reason why I couldn’t write as often as I used to. But a girl needs her income and sometimes you can’t choose what you have to sacrifice.
I’m trying The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin serum
I ran out of TO Niacinamide a few weeks back so while doing my Niacinamide order, I thought I would try Alpha Arbutin too. I don’t know what I feel about it yet but a review will be coming soon.
I am still in love with bullet journalling
Although I’ve been posting less about my bullet journal on my Instagram stories. I especially love my December spread because it’s so simple and whimsically. All thanks to Amanda Rach Lee for inspiring me!
Anyway, I’m currently in the middle of doing something something so once it’s done, I will definitely write a blog post about it. I can’t talk about it just yet but it won’t be long I promise. For now, it’s another goodbye..