What I’m Not Purchasing This Year

I made a little vow to myself earlier this year – I want to stop purchasing things I have so many of and finish them all before I can go and purchase new ones. I have this habit of binge-purchasing (if that is even a thing) stuff – for example, skincare – and I ended up with loads of products that I used halfway. So, 2020 will be the year where I use most of my stuff and only repurchasing the ones I truly love and need.


For a housewife like myself who only ever uses makeup when I have weddings or events to go to, having close to 10 bottles of foundation seems a tad bit much. My current favourite foundation as of now is the Estée Lauder Double Wear and I know that I will be repurchasing it once I’m done with it so I’m making it a mission to go through my other foundations before they expire.

Eye cream

I am still on my tube of Naruko Rose & Botanic HA Aqua Cubic Youth Eye Complex but I already have two extra tubes of The Body Shop one and I know that it’s going to take me at least a year to go through them. Furthermore, I don’t find eye cream to be life-changing for my skincare routine.

Stickers & washi tapes

Last year, I went nuts on stationery and purchased a heck lot of stickers and washi tapes on Shopee. Safe to say that I haven’t gone through any sticker packs nor tapes so I am definitely not going to be buying more of those this year. I bought them all on impulse because they’re so cute and cheap and 19 ringgit free shipping on Shopee doesn’t help at all. Yikes.


Another thing that I wouldn’t be buying this year is notebook. I have a lot of notebooks that I haven’t used and the one I’m currently using – including yearly planner – I don’t use as much as I would hope to especially during this Movement Control Order (MCO) in my country where all events are canceled/postponed and only one person per household is allowed to go out for necessities so I don’t really have much to do at all. I barely go out this month (except for doctor’s appointment and 7-Eleven run to get some chocolate and ice-cream) and I’m at my wits’ end. Send this pregnant momma some help.

Apple AirPods

God, the urge to checkout AirPods is unreal. I don’t actually need it to be frank as I already have an AirDots from Xiaomi that is only 10% of the price of AirPods and works okay but AirPods is calling my name for real. However, I am not going to purchase it as the money can go into buying my baby carseat which is clearly more important than the AirPods. Maybe next year for the AirPods Pro? Who knows. 🤔

Blog themes

I kinda cheated on this a little bit because I have purchased two blog themes this year. Two! But fret not — I am not going to buy more themes or revamp my blog anymore this year because I’m really loving my blog look right now. In February I bought Sangria from Underline Designs and just two weeks ago I purchased my current theme which is Estranged also by Underline Designs. I haven’t had the urge to change anything on my blog since I got this theme so I take that as a good sign that I’ll be using this theme for a long time… until I found a new one I really, really adore. Oh well.

What are you not purchasing this year?

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