2nd Trimester Pregnancy Update


I have been missing for a really long time and I have no one to blame but myself. I have just been busy with life in general and I just didn’t have the time to blog. I did write a blog post a few weeks ago but the visuals aren’t ready so the post has just been sitting on my draft for a long while…

Anyway, welcome to my 2nd trimester pregnancy update. I entered 3rd trimester a couple weeks ago so this post is long overdue. Whoops.

Due to Covid-19, I spent the whole 2nd trimester stuck at home with my husband who was also working from home. It was fun although I could enjoy a once-a-week trip to the mall… just saying.

What happened in 2nd trimester?

I really enjoyed my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. I have more energy. My morning sickness was gone, and I didn’t find myself taking lots of naps like I used to in first trimester. Overall, 2nd trimester felt normal but with a baby in the tummy.

I felt my baby for the first time at 16 weeks, found out the gender at 16 weeks as well, and felt my baby moved at 20 weeks. It was amazing. Now that I’m almost 30 weeks pregnant, the movements are more noticeable.

I slipped in the bathroom at 20 weeks and it was so horrifying for me. I was scared that something happened to my baby so I went for a checkup on the same day and thank God nothing happened to my baby.

As for antenatal checkups, I went for a checkup at 16 weeks when I found out the gender. Again at 20 weeks when I slipped in the bathroom. 22 weeks at the government clinic where I got my first tetanus shot. For some reason, it’s better to register your pregnancy at the nearest government clinic just in case something happens. 25 weeks at a private hospital that I might give birth at. And lastly, 29 weeks at the government clinic where I got my second tetanus shot and did my glucose tolerance test. The nurse said she’d call me if I have diabetes so let’s just hope she doesn’t 😭

Baby stuff preparation

Everyone was asking me if I already started buying baby stuff and when I said no, not yet, they were like, “you should start buying now 😯” so last Sunday I binge bought everything except for a stroller. Now, if anyone asked me if I had started buying stuff for my baby, I would say, “yes, I’d bought them all, including nappy cream and telon oil.”

My mother-in-law said to only buy 5 pair of clothes for my baby for the first month as newborns outgrow their clothes in a blink of an eye and I did buy only 5 but the urge to buy more is just –

After my baby is born, if I need more, I will order more.

That is all for my 2nd trimester pregnancy update! I will see you in my 3rd trimester update a few weeks before I give birth haha xx

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