It might come as a shock to you knowing that I’ve only just given birth September last year, well guess what I am shocked too. Honestly I did not expect to get pregnant so soon considering that I had C-section and my doctor advised to not get pregnant for at least two years. But it is what it is and I am currently 18 weeks pregnant.
So I started getting my period in December last year which was about 3 months and 3 weeks after giving birth. In January, close to my expected date, I got some cramping so I thought yeah my period is coming soon.
….but it did not come. Hahaha.
I was super busy with life and taking care of my son that I didn’t think much about not getting my period. I took it as a side effect of breastfeeding where you don’t get your period and they might not be regular anymore after giving birth.
Anyway, fast forward to the third week of February, I asked my husband to get me a test because I started getting some pregnancy symptoms. Took the test and it came back positive. I. WAS. SHOCKED! But not surprised haha. It is definitely unplanned but NOT unwanted.
I’ll be answering some pregnancy questions I got from Aspyn Ovard blog.
How far along?
– I am almost 18 weeks pregnant. My due date is late September!
Weight gain?
– Surprisingly, I am losing weight (-4kg!). It could be because I haven’t been eating as much and I am still breastfeeding my son.
Maternity clothes?
– I lost almost 20kg since giving birth so my bump is not yet visible unless I wear really tight clothing. I can still fit my regular pants. (Huuurzah!)
– I’ve never had any issue sleeping same as first pregnancy. The third trimester however, is a different story.
Best moment this week?
– Sadly, I don’t have any best moments. However, I am super thankful that this pregnancy is such a breeze. I didn’t have morning sickness except for that one time where I threw up my dinner at midnight. It was awful. Other than that, everything’s good.
Food cravings?
– I’ve been craving chicken chop a lot and some laksa. But definitely chicken chop. It’s so good!
Anything makes you queasy?
– Not that I can think of. However, during the first few weeks of pregnancy (before finding out I’m pregnant) the smell of raw poultry revolts me.
– My last ultrasound was at 13 weeks and we still couldn’t see the gender that early but fingers crossed we are able to see the gender at my next appointment!
Something you’re looking forward to?
– Finding out the gender and feeling the baby moves. So exciting!